It was in the furrows of the County of Portneuf that the idea of Carotté was born in 2013 under the leadership of Médé Langlois. This colorful character is the proud descendant of a line of farmers established along the Chemin du Roy since 1667, whose ancestral tradition he continues today by cultivating the land. Folk music has always enlivened the family farm and brought together the surrounding residents. From childhood, Médé immersed herself in this cultural heritage before discovering punk-rock in high school. Seemingly distant, these two musical trends suffer ostracism in their respective eras while exalting the same participatory values. Médé naturally nourishes the desire to associate them. A desire that he made come true after meeting the band Les Quéteux who regularly perform at a local market. To this traditional trio composed of Manuel Lavallée (banjo, harmonica, acoustic guitar, jaw harp), Étienne Bourré-Denis (violin, mandolin, jaw harp, foot tapper) and Simon Lavallée (bass) are added two survivors of the punk group Eric Panic : Éric Roberge (vocals) and Max Doré (drums).

Thus constituted, these enfant terribles of La Bottine Souriante nourish their repertoire with songs borrowed from the collective memory which they dust off with decibels, but also with original compositions. On top of this festive music are texts with a strong social content, like so many chronicles of rurality finding echoes even in urban areas. Carotté thus becomes the voice of an agricultural world whose expression is often restricted or ignored. In February 2015, the band delivered a first harvest on Punklore and Trashdition which received a very good reception from critics and was nominated at the GAMIQ Gala in the “Heavy Album (Punk & Metal) of the Year” category. Embracing the saying “It’s in old pots that we make the best soups”, Carotté uses the same recipe for his second opus. So let’s dance a quadrille before moving on to cash on which the band lifts the veil during the fall 2018. Upon its release, this album experienced unprecedented success thanks to the extract Chant de pot whose video clip went viral on the Web (more than 4 million views) and which benefited from intensive radio broadcasting. Carotté then goes on to perform on stage, improbable evenings between La Bolduc and the Sex Pistols who make rural rows dance to the stands of major festivals (Francos de Montréal, Festival d'été de Québec, Festival de la Chanson de Tadoussac, etc.) In the wake of this success, the group is touring Quebec and France in 2019 in the company of Ludwig Von 88, supreme youth inspiration. The year ends in style with a victory in the “People's Choice” category at the GAMIQ Gala, while the new year brings a major surprise with the invitation of Marcel and his orchestra to open for his show at L'Olympia in Paris.


